Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oh no...

It just seems to make sense, doesn't it? The airline that I fly the most decides to lose its top. The airline that I'm finally almost comfortable flying in, the one I just booked to fly to Nashville next month, is falling apart at the seams. Oh no...

And to make my total flying experience even more perfect--my other favorite airline? Jet Blue? I just read an article about the least safe airlines. Jet Blue was top of the list. Oh no...

But back to SWA.

I was supposed to fly to NAB this week, but plans changed so I called to cancel my flight. Which was fine. Really. I called SWA. I was on hold for 45 minutes (at least it seemed like three hours) and finally someone picked up. "I want to cancel my flight," I said. "Oh," she said cautiously, "and would you like to reschedule?" (I noted a touch of optimism in her voice.) "No, thank you." "Oh." Her disappointment was very evident. What was going on? Ah, I realized. She thinks I'm abandoning a sinking ship or tattered plane.

No, no abandonment. I have to fly to Nashville in May--a flight I already dread with a stop-over in Las Vegas. I will probably fly down to LA in early May and then two trips to LA in June and then July and August and September. I'm not fleeing. I love SWA. I hate their new Rapid Rewards system. I'm not happy with the fact that their plane ripped open in flight. But I still like SWA.

I have to get back on a plane in a couple of weeks. Panic is already starting to seep beneath my skin. Prickly fear. But I'm trying to get positive thoughts going here. My idea is that all the planes must now be safer, right? I'm trying to keep in mind my friend's always consistent message that SWA is one of the safest airlines around.

But Paul? I may need you help here. I think I need you to explain to me why I should feel incredibly safe as I board my flight next month. I'll be waiting. And feel free to send me your cell number so I can add you to my list of friends who I text and email frantically as I board the plane and strap myself in and wait to hear from anyone that everything will be just fine...

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