Thursday, February 3, 2011

They Way I See It

My friend Dave, an amazing mastering engineer, always questions the angles of my drive-by shots. He wonders why I can't seem to shoot straight. Why my images are never level. His question has made me wonder and I've thought about it a lot and I've realized something--I don't view the world straight on--I'm always looking at an angle.

Whether walking or driving, I'm always looking up. Watch out if I have a sun roof! And granted, this may be a little dangerous while walking. (I have tripped and run into stationary objects while glancing up.) It's probably more dangerous while driving, but have you ever looked at that keen angle? That one that takes you straight up the edge of the building, up a zillion floors ? It goes forever and ever. The cast of the shadows, the colors of the buildings, the reflections on the windows in the afternoon light--you can't get that straight on.

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