I'm not really sure how it's suddenly February, 2011 and the last time I posted anything was almost a year ago. How to wrap up a year in a few, concise words? Hmm... Well, as some of you know my drive-by shooting has been slightly hampered for about 11 months. I am no longer free to stick my camera out the window while driving down Wilshire Boulevard or along the streets of San Francisco. I have replaced my Nikon D200 with a tiny, lightweight Canon PowerShoot. The roads are now safe as I travel because I almost always only whip out my camera while stuck in traffic, at a stop sign or stop light. Well usually, unless it's something spectacular! Very rarely on the freeway. (That fact should make most of you feel much better about your safety. I must admit though--I love Bob Ludwig! Unlike most of you chickens, he thinks it would be fun to drive with me while I'm out shooting!)
My last year has seen a lot of time in Los Angeles (it's been suggested that maybe I should rent a room somewhere in the Southland). Golf, poker, golf, golf, awards shows, Anaheim, Carlsbad, Nashville, Chicago, Los Angeles, Venice, Malibu. And shooting, shooting, shooting! Drive-by, fly-by and walk-by. I can't get enough of it! When I look at my hundreds of images from each trip I always stumble upon something I never noticed before. Whether it's the angle of the shot (yes Dave, I always shoot at an angle) or the lighting--something makes that shot, that moment totally unique.
2011 holds the promise to be even busier and more exciting. I've started things off with a bang by entering a photo competition called Urban Landscape. Now, I don't hold out much hope of being selected. After all, how much talent does it take to stick your arm out the window and shoot? But I figured why not. These five photos are the ones I entered. We'll see what happens...
I am totally optimistic about this year. I am ready for more and more travel. I need more places to drive-by and shoot. So far, so good. I travel down to LA next week. I'll be shooting my usual SWA wing shots while flying (you can stop laughing now Luke) and then record my wanderings in Burbank, LA and Venice. Should be fun...