Now I know that we need rain. That we're facing a drought. And early mornings when the household is sleeping, I love to hear the sound of rain on the roof. But come on!! I need some blue sky and sun!!
I have found an upside to the rain though. It's when the rain stops and the sun makes it's way through the clouds. Suddenly we're looking at crystal clear beautiful blue skies and puffy clouds, and I'm off. I've become a "Cloud Chaser." Sunday morning I told the trash out just as the sky was showing the beginnings of blue and the clouds were amazing! So I grabbed my camera (thankful that my children had been to lazy to take out the garbage the night before), and started driving and shooting. It was beautiful.
But driver beware! It's one thing to drive and shoot through your windshield, but it's another thing entirely to shoot the sky. You're constantly looking up. I do almost all my driving and shooting at stop lights or along the side of the road. There is so much beauty, so much wonderment, it's almost impossible to drive and shoot. But even stopped and shooting, the sky is an amazing thing. I'm always happy to drive-by.